Hello y’all! I am Jenevieve, the woman behind The Flowering Wild Co. I welcome each of you to this wild and wonderful journey of mine.
Let’s start with a little about myself. I am currently 39, divorced, a single mother to two girls (21 & 5) and we have lived in the Piedmont region of North Carolina for 3.5 years now. I am working a full-time job while launching and building this business. I am the definition of an introvert but do have extroverted phases. My hobbies have been “old ladyish” (other people’s words) since I was 9 and my mom taught me how to cross-stitch. I have been a crafter ever since, teaching myself sewing, quilting, crochet, knitting, and other fun things. All that eventually led me to find a place in art at the ripe old age of 37. I have been practicing my drawing since 2021, before which I never considered myself an artist, since I didn’t think I could learn to draw well. But I am an artist.
I have some ambitious (maybe even audacious) life and business goals, which I will be talking about in further posts. But this is the very beginning, and I am so excited and motivated to see where this journey takes me. My main goal is to be a licensed surface pattern designer, but some other things have started in the meantime with so much more to come.
Since I am a regular ole human being, I do not promise perfection in any way. I do promise I will give my best at authenticity, vulnerability, honesty, empathy, compassion and openness. Things may be awkward at times because I am in “real life.” It may get messy, it may get raw, there will be failure and there may even be tears. But there will also be laughter, encouragement, deep conversation, simple moments, growth and regular life.
I cannot wait to share with you the ups and downs of building this thing. Until next time give yourself grace, kindness and patience